Friday, 22 October 2010

What is Graphic Design?

Some may say graphic design can be defined as visual communication using text or images to represent an idea or concept. Below is some work that I feel is relevant to this definition....

Led by art director David Carson, Ray Gun Magazine evidently experimented with the use of typography design. These two in particular stood out to me due to the slightly hectic yet nicely organised compositions with type...

David Thompson (aka Monsieur Cabinet) experimented with thoughts, puns and word play. I feel its a demonstration of a simple yet effective piece of graphic design.

The Creative Review:
The creative review is a magazine focusing on areas of visual communication, including Graphic Design, Illustraion, Advertising and Digital Media.

Whilst on the Edit Magazine website, I came across Adam Grills (Graphic designer) and Chris Dent (Illustrator) and really liked the look of their design style. I like the clarity and accuracy in Dent's illustrations along with the descrete message's in Grills'... 

Esquire Magazine, with art director Darhill Crooks, cleary pays alot of attention to type, with text playing a big role in the cover. Simple, yet important display of vusual communication; type and image...

Found this on 'Typography Served', nice piece of typography, makes your eyes work/hurt!